The Tchincombe Ranch
Tchincombe Ranch is a 50,000 acre beef cattle enterprise in southern Angola. Tchincombe creates a community of over 300 people by providing employment, education and access to health care. Our vision is to integrate wildlife and beef production to establish a healthy ecosystem and maximize production for the long-term sustainability of the community
This ministry brings hope to Angola through evangelism, church planting and community development using Tchincombe Ranch as a base and focus of outreach among the Ovangambwe people. Tchincombe Ranch uses many avenues to reach people, such as vocational training, discipleship, youth ministry, medical outreach, primary school education, and literacy. We believe that community development includes respect and care for people and their God given environment.
Recent Projects
In March 2019, Meghan Foster spearheaded a project to bring a clean, solar-powered laundry/bathing facility to Tchincombe. Thanks to generous donations from churches and individuals as well as construction work from farm residents, this facility now provides convenient laundry, private bathing, and hot water resources to the 300 Ovangabwe tribal residents here.
Stirling and Donna Foster
It is the dream of Stirling and Donna Foster that young people from all over Angola would have opportunity to work at apprenticeships and then to employ their new skills and knowledge to lead more productive lives. This would be of value not only to the local Ovangambwe tribe, but also in a broader ministry to benefit all of Angola as it continues to rebuild after its civil war.
Join Us
If you would like to contribute to this important work at the Ranch, donate below and designate your gift to ‘Tchincombe Ranch’.